Doing Business in India by prof. Shainesh

  Prof. Shainesh of the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore just gave a great course on Doing Business in India at the Unviersity of St. Gallen. Congratulations to prof. Shiamesh for winning the second prize in the GlobaLens’ 2014 Next Billion Case Competition with his case “Narayana Nethralaya: Expanding Affordable Eye Care” which is aboutContinue reading “Doing Business in India by prof. Shainesh”

Infographics to change the world

An interactive and exciting website is available to “Change the world one map at a time”: it is Show World. Very informative and at the same time fun to play with. I checked out Illiteracy rate: This image shows very cleary – more than 1000 words – why our NGO Kolours is focus on educationContinue reading “Infographics to change the world”

Economic complexity visualized in a treemap

The observatory of Economic complexity is a website created by MIT Media lab to display visually the economic complexity of countries. You can compare infovis of exports of different countries to grasp the differences: my favourite is the treemap, a powerful information visualization technique invented by Ben Schneiderman and refined by his collaborators through theContinue reading “Economic complexity visualized in a treemap”

Teaching on the importance of education at St. John’s School, Vizag

The importance of education is a relevant topic, especially for the joungest. I’ve been lecturing on the topic at St. John’s school, near Vizag (India) and had a great time interacting with the students. Together we have seen examples of Indian thought leaders and famouse personalities, and have drawn a personal map to success. IContinue reading “Teaching on the importance of education at St. John’s School, Vizag”

Comunicazione e formazione in altre realtà culturali

Al convegno “Comunicazione e formazione per il progresso della società contemporanea”, che si terrà l’11 maggio 2012 a Gravedona ed Uniti (Como), organizzato da “Quaderni” (programma del convegno), presenterò alcune riflessioni sul tema”Comunicazione e formazione in altre realtà culturali”. Presentazione