Data Visualization tools

A recent post on O’Reily media RIA’s blog portraits  a useful collection of 28 data visualization software. It seems that different industries are employing diverse tools for the same goal of visualizing rich data, from very fancy like anychart and axiis, to powerful applications supporting millions of data-points like chronoscope.

Cross-cultural differences in symbols

At the moment I am in Singapore conducting cross-cultural research on visualization, and -beside experimenting – I’ve also been hunting for differences in the use of visualization around the city. Despite Singapore is quite western, and English is the major language, I noticed a consistent use of visualization on packaging instructions and posters explaining rulesContinue reading “Cross-cultural differences in symbols”

Information visualization on BBC

The BBC magazine recently featured an article about how information visualization is becoming a serious business to overcome information overload and help readers understand information more easily. The article shows beautiful infovis examples by David McCandless, author of the book “Information is Beautiful” which will be published in February by Collins in UK.