Sketching self-perception and others’ perception

Dove’s recent ad “Real Beauty sketches” shows a number of interesting phenomena: first, visualizing how you see yourself and how others see you, can be revealing. Women often see themselves is less positive terms than others see them. Research indeed shows that women has lower self-esteem than men, on average. And the sketches help themContinue reading “Sketching self-perception and others’ perception”

Branding & Visualization

At the Visual Literacy for Management course we just had a very interesting guest lecture by Sebastian Kernbach of Interbrand, the biggest brand consultancy in the world. He gave a lecture on branding, focusing on the visulization aspect and also on the benefits of using sketching for developing a brand campaign, which is the topicContinue reading “Branding & Visualization”

Digital pen (and interactive paper)

At the University of Lugano, faculty of Informatics, we just had a nice talk about pen and paper computing, by Nadir Weibel. An ETH gradate, he’s currently a post-doc at UCSD in California, at the Distributed Cognition and Human-Computer Interaction Lab.It seems a great place to be for Human computer Interaction research, experimenting on innovativeContinue reading “Digital pen (and interactive paper)”

Visualizing at the Emergence conference on India

This year the Emergence conference, organized by the University of St. Gallen, has focused on India. The amount of knowledge on India of the speakers was astonishing, a conference of really high quality. I was pleased to see a large use of visual representations and sketching to moderate workshops. In the picture below the speakersContinue reading “Visualizing at the Emergence conference on India”